5 Oct 2011

4 Oct 2011


just to prove its not always people i photograph.......

14 Sept 2011

and again......

Ft ing......

London again......

Barings Asset Management......

details to follow....

Mark Hoban, Secretary to The Treasury......

details to follow....

8 Sept 2011

Portaits Portraits Portraits........

details to follow....

23 Aug 2011

more FT......

details to follow....

27 Jul 2011

New Toy...... Polaroid 600se......

details to follow....

25 Jul 2011

More commercial 360’s....

details to follow....

21 Jul 2011

Fashion Show......

images to come....

2 Jun 2011

More drawings......

1 Jun 2011

Holiday time again......

and at last some time for some drawing......

more to follow.....

26 May 2011

Top 25 Accountancy Firms......

Back to New Bond Street for awards / drinks and iconic photographs....

Some classic images for sale this time from the likes of
Andreas Feininger
His shot above called "The Photojouralist" 1951

Works from Horst P Horst

Robert Freeman's iconic Beatles album cover shot

and a Roy Shatt's James Dean portrait
Colin Campbell of  Fairbairn Private Bank  starts off the evening.

Introductions over and it's on with the evening....

A small selection of the images that were taken......